The graffiti workshop as a teambuilding workshop, company event, incentive or bachelor party is original, creative and totally of this time!
The graffiti workshop
We provide graffiti workshops in the Benelux at a location of your choice or in one of our locations. Teamwork by the participants is important in our creative workshops: eventually one works together or as a team on the whole. After the basic techniques are practiced individually, a theme, logo, slogan or tagline can be worked out together on blank canvas paintings. After the workshop we evaluate the work from each team/ group.
The paintings you made may be given a place within the company or at home. The number of coaches in a graffitiworkshop depends on the amount of participants. Generally, one supervisor is available for about ten to fifteen participants. Of course, we will provide all the spraying materials, protective clothing and a well covered area.
During the workshop we will explain the following:
- Safety and the use of spraycans
- Various spraying techniques/ effects
- The neat writing of a name/ word
- Making of controlled lines/ shapes
- Colouring of large areas/ colour blends
- Setting up and developing characters in 3D
- Developing a theme on canvas
The workshop takes about two hours. To ensure the quality of our workshops we only work with certified workshop teachers with at least ten years graffiti experience. Within one (day) program it is possible to shorten the workshop.

Steet art workshops
Banksy is probably the world’s most famous street artist, but street art or stencil art has been around much longer. This form of art became known to the general public in late 1960 through the ‘pop art” of, among others, Roy Lichtenstein and Andy Warhol.
The technique Banksy uses, is the stencil or template technique. Working with templates makes it possible to put down a visually powerful image quickly. There are more and more artists who use this technique to put down humorous, political and social criticism expressions.
The stencil-art workshop begins with a brief explanation of the history, followed by a demonstration in which we talk through the possibilities and techniques. After the brainstorming session you will make your own or more templates, this template will be the basis of your artwork. Of course we also provide a comprehensive set of basic templates for making your own statement, quote, poem or sentiment speak.
After agreeing together we could create a template in advance of the company logo or a slogan. It is possible to combine image, text and colour and create a unique work of art with a strongly suggestive result.
The artworks are created on canvases or cardboard panels which you can hang on the wall as decoration. Of course we provide all materials, protective clothing and a neatly covered space. The street art course lasts approximately two hours and can be arranged at a location of your choice or at one of our locations.
Graffiti art during events and parties
For events and parties with a lot off visitors it is possible to organize a workshop graffiti with open entrance. By “open” is meant, that anyone who wishes can participate in the workshop. The workshop can be given within an event or as an activity by it self. With this setup the participants get a shortened version of the normal program.
We have different constructions to create a work surface on the location. On this work surface we first sketch a theme, logo, slogan or image so that you partly get a colouring- in effect. The colours and shapes will appear naturally when people give their creativity free rein. The more participants the more surprising and more colourful the result will be.
We support the whole process to insure that the result will be worth a place on your wall. Of course, we will provide protective clothing, a well covered area and when necessary a ventilation system. To ensure the quality of our workshops we only work with certified workshop teachers with at least ten years graffiti experience.

Light painting workshop
The light painting workshop is new and super cool! Create your own piece of art with lights, set the colour, shape and size all yourself. Write your name, draw your own silhouette, give yourself wings, draw a car, animal or shape, with light graffiti you can make anything.
This workshop is ideal for schools and youth centres. During the light painting workshop you do not work with spray paint but with light and shutter speed, no smell or haze of paint release. It is necessary though that the room, in which the workshop takes place, can be darkened.
Digiffiti: digital graffiti wall
Surprise your guests with the digital graffiti wall at events, parties, product presentations, conferences and exhibitions. Digiffiti is a interactive multi-user application with which you can create digital graffiti on a large screen. Play and create with colours, line widths an stencils!
We work with special sprays where, instead of paint, infra red light comes out which communicates with the Digiffiti application. A major advantage of working with infra red light is that it does not release the smell or haze that paint releases. Nice is that the characteristic sissing sound of the aerosol during spraying is also heard with Digiffiti.
Digital graffiti is developed by real graffiti artists with more then 20 years graffiti to make the experience as real as possible. The Digiffiti application has a palette of colours and line widths ad it uses templates, different backgrounds and a overlay to place a logo, image or message. The overlay cannot be sprayed over, it always stays visible on the foreground.
The background in the Digiffiti application can pre-fitted with a “branding” by the client and eventually replace it completely by his own visual. It is also possible to place a silhouette or colouring picture of an object or product as background. The participants would then make a creation with your object or product as a base during an event.
Painting offers a challenge that appeals to everyone.
Live-art, demonstrations and customizing
We provide graffiti demonstrations and live painting during product presentations, (business) events, parties, exhibitions and branch days. We could create a painting with a theme in style of the event, the logo of your company, a product or service or with input from the guests. Our paintings will add something extraordinary to your event!
The painting can be made on a surface provided by us, we could clamp large cloths or place wooden boards. Also you can work on pre-clamped blank canvas. These canvasses could, after the demonstrations, be a nice gift for employees or customers!
Besides the paintings, we also provide specially customized actions, think of airbrush tattoos with the logo of your company, or customizing objects such as bicycles, shoes, shirts etc. A graffiti demonstration or live-art session is inspiring to watch, the picture grows during the event and the end result is unique. We bring your brand or expression to live in a creative way!
Workshop and mural in one
A mural in combination with a graffiti workshop could for example be organized on a wall at the side or rear of your company building, a shutter, or a wall in a parking garage. We could first set up a preliminary design which appears as a colour shield. At the end of the workshop we work of all the details so that the end result looks like a real mural.
Graffiti workshop locations
We provide our workshops mainly in the Benelux. We can organize the workshop at a location by your choice or at one of our locations. The workshop can be given indoors or outdoors as an independent activity or as part of a big event or party. We have several constructions to create a work surface at the location, of course we would cover the area well.
We also have our own workshop locations and we work together with many (event) locations. Because in some locations it is not possible to work with spray paint, we also offer the graffiti workshop as a painting workshop. We treat the same techniques as in the graffiti workshop, only instead we use acrylic paint. You are assured of a twofold result: homemade art which you can exhibit in your own company and a team experience you will not forget soon.
Curious about the possibilities?
We’ll be happy to send you non-committal information at your request. After completing the contact form as clearly and completely as possible, we’ll get a good picture of your wishes and ideas. Usually you’ll get a response the same day. Perhaps until at your location?
Ask your question by telephone +31(0)85-0600321 or send us a message via WhatsApp.